quinta-feira, maio 26, 2011

Surto de gripe das aves na África do Sul obriga à matança de milhares de avestruzes

South Africa: Thousands of ostriches culled in avian flu outbreak
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Pretoria - About 10 000 ostriches have been culled since the outbreak of avian influenza in April, says the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). Exports of ostrich meat to the European Union (EU) were suspended immediately as a ...

segunda-feira, maio 16, 2011

Gripe das aves volta a matar na Indonésia

Indonesia reports bird flu death
JAKARTA, May 16 (Xinhua) - An 8-year-old Indonesian girl has been dead on avian influenza, Indonesian health ministry reported here on Monday. The girl from western part of Jakarta died on April 11 after having medical treatment since April 8, ...

sexta-feira, maio 13, 2011

Detectado foco de gripe das aves num aviário da Holanda

Dutch to cull 8800 chicken in bird flu alert
AMSTERDAM May 12 (Reuters) - Dutch authorities on Thursday said they would destroy 8800 chickens at an organic poultry farm after the discovery of bird flu. Sixty farms within a three kilometre (two mile) radius of the farm in Kootwijkerbroek, ...